40+ Ways to Improve Website Traffic in 2024

Written By:Callum
Last Updated: February 10, 2024
Reading Time: 7 minutes

In the competitive market of 2024, attracting visitors to your website has become both a science and an art. With millions of websites vying for attention, standing out from the crowd requires a blend of innovative strategies, technical savvy, and a deep understanding of your audience. Whether you’re a small business owner, a digital marketer, or a content creator, increasing your website traffic is crucial for success. This ultimate guide created by Creato’s web design Sydney experts to unveil 40+ innovative techniques designed to increase your website’s traffic. From optimising for Google’s evolving algorithms to leveraging the latest in social media trends, we dive deep into actionable strategies that promise to boost your visibility, engage your audience, and drive meaningful traffic to your site in 2024.

Expanding on each of the 40+ strategies to provide a deeper understanding and actionable insights:

1. Optimise for Google’s E-E-A-T Principles

Google prioritises content that showcases Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness [E-E-A-T.]. Ensure your content is written by or vetted by experts in the field. Showcase your credentials, and gather authoritative backlinks and positive user reviews to signal trustworthiness to Google, enhancing your site’s credibility and search ranking potential.

2. Focus on Long-Form Content

Long-form content allows for comprehensive coverage of topics, which can establish your site as a go-to resource. It provides more opportunities to include keywords and increases the time visitors spend on your site, both of which are beneficial for SEO. Additionally, well-researched and informative long-form content is more likely to earn backlinks and social shares.

3. Use High-Quality Visuals

Visuals can break up text, illustrate concepts, and engage users. High-quality images, infographics, and videos can make complex information more accessible and increase shareability on social media. Ensure visuals are optimised for fast loading and are tagged with descriptive alt text to improve accessibility and SEO.

4. Improve User Experience (UX)

A website that’s easy to navigate and quick to load improves user satisfaction and SEO rankings. Focus on responsive design, intuitive navigation, and fast page speeds. Regular user experience testing can identify pain points, while continuous improvements can ensure your site meets visitors’ needs effectively.

5. Target Featured Snippets

Featured snippets provide direct answers to search queries at the top of Google’s search results. To target these, format your content with clear, concise answers to commonly asked questions, use bullet points for lists, and structure data with HTML tags. Being featured can significantly increase visibility and click-through rates.

6. Regularly Update Old Content

Updating content keeps it relevant and can revive its visibility in search results. Add recent research, update statistics, and refine recommendations to reflect current best practices. This not only helps maintain current rankings but can also attract new backlinks and visitors.

7. Leverage Topic Clusters

Creating content around topic clusters helps search engines understand your site’s structure and content depth. Start with a broad “pillar” page that gives an overview, then link to more detailed “cluster” articles. This interlinking boosts SEO by demonstrating comprehensive coverage of a topic.

8. Conduct Keyword Research

Keyword research is foundational for SEO and content strategy. Use tools to identify terms your audience is searching for, including long-tail keywords that offer lower competition. Incorporating these into your content can improve visibility and attract more targeted traffic.

9. Implement Structured Data

Structured data helps search engines understand and index your content more effectively. It can also lead to rich snippets, which enhance your visibility in search results. Use schema markup to provide explicit clues about the meaning of a page and its content for better indexing and performance.

10. Create a Content Calendar

A content calendar helps organise and schedule your content publishing. It ensures a consistent content flow, allowing for strategic planning around seasons, events, and product launches. This consistency keeps your audience engaged and helps maintain a steady stream of traffic.

11. Optimise for Voice Search

With the rise of digital assistants, optimising for voice search is increasingly important. Voice searches often use longer, more conversational queries. Include these in your content, along with a FAQ section that directly answers common questions.

12. Use Social Media Wisely

Social media platforms are key for amplifying content reach. Tailor content formats and messages for each platform’s audience, and engage actively by responding to comments and participating in conversations. This not only drives traffic but also builds community and brand loyalty.

13. Engage in Community Forums

Forums like Reddit and Quora are platforms where you can demonstrate expertise and drive targeted traffic. Provide value through insightful answers and use soft self-promotion, linking back to your content where it naturally adds to the discussion.

14. Build Backlinks

Backlinks from reputable sites signal to search engines that your content is valuable. Focus on creating high-quality, informative content that naturally earns links, and consider guest blogging or collaborating with industry influencers to get your content in front of a wider audience.

15. Guest Blogging

Guest blogging on relevant sites can introduce you to new audiences and bring traffic back to your site. Provide unique, valuable content to the host site, and include a call to action or link back to related content on your site to capture interested readers.

16. Email Marketing

Email marketing keeps your audience informed and engaged with your brand. Use it to promote new content, exclusive offers, or events, ensuring your emails provide value to subscribers. Segmenting your list can help deliver targeted content to those most likely to engage.

17. Implement Retargeting Campaigns

Retargeting ads remind users who’ve visited your site to return, increasing the likelihood of conversion. Use targeted ads based on user behavior to personalise the message and make it more effective.

18. Optimise Page Speed

Page speed is a critical factor in user experience and SEO. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to identify and fix issues causing delays. Optimisations might include compressing images, leveraging browser caching, and minimising JavaScript.

19. Mobile Optimisation

Ensure your website provides a seamless experience on mobile devices. Responsive design adjusts your site’s layout based on the device, improving usability and satisfaction. Mobile optimisation is also crucial for SEO, as Google uses mobile-first indexing.

20. Local SEO

For businesses with a physical presence, local SEO helps attract local customers. Optimise your Google My Business listing, ensure consistent NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) information across online directories, and encourage local reviews to improve visibility in local search results.

21. Host Webinars

Webinars attract and engage audiences with in-depth discussions on topics of interest. Promote webinars through your website and social media to drive registration, and follow up with attendees by sharing related content on your site.

22. Podcasting

Podcasts can reach audiences during times when they can’t read or watch content, like commuting. Promote your website within your podcast and in show notes to draw listeners to your site.

23. Influencer Collaborations

Collaborating with influencers can expose your brand to their followers. Choose influencers aligned with your brand values and audience, and work together on content or promotions that include calls to action directing traffic to your site.

24. Video Marketing

Videos can dramatically increase engagement and shares, especially on social media. Create informative or entertaining videos related to your content, and include a call to action directing viewers to your website for more information.

25. Use Internal Linking

Internal linking improves SEO and keeps visitors on your site longer by directing them to other relevant content. Use descriptive anchor text that gives users and search engines an idea of what the linked page is about.

26. Content Syndication

Syndicating your content on platforms like Medium or LinkedIn can expand your reach. Make sure to use canonical links back to your original content to prevent SEO issues related to duplicate content.

27. Engage on Social Media

Active engagement on social media can build a loyal following. Respond to comments, share user-generated content, and participate in relevant conversations to increase your brand’s visibility and drive traffic.

28. SEO Audits

Regular SEO audits can uncover opportunities for improvement. Analyse your website for on-page SEO factors, broken links, and site speed issues to ensure optimal performance.

29. User-Generated Content

Encouraging user-generated content, such as reviews, photos, and testimonials, can increase engagement and provide fresh content. Feature this content on your site and social media to build community and trust.

30. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing programs can drive traffic and sales through referrals. Choose affiliates that align with your brand and provide them with the tools they need to successfully promote your products or services.

31. Press Releases

Press releases can generate media coverage and direct traffic from news sites. Use them for significant announcements, ensuring the content is newsworthy and includes a link back to your site for more information.

32. Online Contests and Giveaways

Contests and giveaways can quickly boost engagement and traffic. Promote these on your site and social media, using them to collect email addresses or encourage social sharing as part of the entry process.

33. Utilise Chatbots

Chatbots can provide instant interaction, answering questions or directing users to relevant content. This improves user experience and can guide visitors to take desired actions on your site.

34. Dynamic Content

Dynamic content changes based on the user’s behavior, preferences, or demographics. Personalising the user experience in this way can increase engagement and conversion rates by making content more relevant to each visitor.

35. SEO-Friendly URLs

URLs should be clear, concise, and include keywords relevant to the page content. This improves user experience and helps search engines understand and rank your pages more effectively.

36. A/B Testing

A/B testing different elements of your website can reveal what works best for engaging and converting visitors. Test variations of headlines, CTAs, images, and layouts to continuously improve user experience and conversion rates.

37. Create Resource Pages

Resource pages aggregate valuable information or tools on a specific topic. They can attract backlinks and serve as a helpful, shareable asset for your audience, driving traffic and enhancing your site’s authority.

38. Use Attractive CTAs

Clear, compelling calls to action guide users towards the next step, whether subscribing, making a purchase, or reading more. Place CTAs strategically throughout your site to maximise visibility and conversion potential.

39. Offer Free Tools or Resources

Free tools or resources related to your niche can attract traffic and generate leads. Ensure these offerings are valuable to your target audience and promote them prominently on your site and through your marketing channels.

40. Implement Push Notifications

Push notifications alert subscribers to new content or offers. They can be a powerful tool for driving repeat traffic to your site but should be used judiciously to avoid overwhelming your audience.

41. Use Data and Analytics

Analysing your website’s data helps you understand which strategies are working. Regularly review traffic sources, user behavior, and conversion metrics to refine your tactics and focus on high-performing channels.

42. Create Landing Pages for Campaigns

Dedicated landing pages for specific marketing campaigns can improve conversion rates by providing a focused, relevant message to visitors. Optimise these pages for keywords and ensure the call to action is clear.

43. Encourage Reviews

Reviews can improve your site’s SEO and credibility. Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive feedback on your site and third-party platforms. Respond to reviews to show you value customer feedback.

44. Multi-Language Content

Offering your content in multiple languages can open up new markets and attract international visitors. Ensure translations are accurate and culturally relevant, and consider SEO for each language to maximise visibility.

45. Conduct Market Research

Staying informed about your industry, audience preferences, and competitor strategies allows you to create content that resonates and meets market needs. Use this insight to adapt your content strategy and stay ahead of trends.

By implementing these strategies with a focus on quality, relevance, and user experience, you can significantly increase traffic to your website and build a loyal audience.


Navigating the complexities of digital growth requires a comprehensive approach, and the 45 strategies outlined in this guide offer a roadmap to significantly enhance your website’s traffic in 2024. Remember, the key to success lies not just in implementing these techniques but in doing so with consistency, precision, and a keen eye on evolving digital trends. By focusing on providing value, optimising for user experience, and engaging with your audience across multiple platforms, you can build a robust online presence that attracts, captivates, and converts. As you embark on this journey, keep measuring, refining, and adapting your strategies to stay ahead in the dynamic digital landscape. Here’s to skyrocketing your website traffic and achieving new heights of digital success in 2024!

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Hey, I'm Callum. Here at Creato we re determined to produce creative Web Design. My only questions is, will it be yours?

About callum

Callum is the founder of Creato, a Sydney based design agency that specialises in creating holistic brands for Aussie businesses.

With a talent for crafting memorable and effective branding solutions, Callum has built Creato into a respected and successful agency. His work has been featured in various publications, including The Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, and Entrepreneur.

If you re interested in working with Callum and Creato to bring your brand to the next level, don t hesitate to get in touch!

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