Everything you need to know about the 5 types of logo designs- With Infographic

Written By:Callum
Last Updated: March 18, 2023
Reading Time: 4 minutes

5 Types Of Logos Infographic By Creato:

Are you in the process of starting a new business or redesigning your current logo and need to know what type of logo design will work best for you? Look no further, we have compiled a collection of real world examples in our infographic below:


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<p><br><a href=”https://creato.com.au/blog/types-of-logo-designs/”>Logo Design Infographic</a> by <a href=”https://www.creato.com.au”>Creato Design</a><br /><br /><br /><br /><br/>

Everything you need to know about the 5 types of logo designs

Your brand’s logo is a crucial factor for your brand’s performance. In fact, a recent study published in the Journal of Business Research (#66) revealed that logos:

‣Are powerful tools in the management of customer-brand relationships.
‣Strengthen customer’s commitment to a brand.
‣Enhance brand performance, especially when extending to different product or services categories.

But, with the startup boom that we’ve recently experienced, the marketplace is noisier than ever. This means that your logo will need to stand out in a sea of competition. Part of standing out is knowing what the different types of logos are and which would be best for your brand. Let’s take a detailed look at each of the 5 logo design types, starting with font based logos:

Wordmark Logo

Wordmark logos (also known as logotypes) are likely what you think of first when you hear of a font based logo. Notable brands that use these logos include Google, Coca-Cola and Disney. Once again, it’s important to note that font is everything with these logos. Let’s look at this poor example of a wordmark logo for the brand Mega Flicks:

You don’t want to make that mistake. Professional logos will avoid major mistakes like this and guarantee your logo is as effective as possible.
Wordmark logos may appear to be the simplest logos on the surface, but that makes the details of your design even more important. Your brand name in a run of the mill font alone won’t be enough to catch a customer’s eye. It’s important to reach out to a professional who can help you do it right.

Wordmark logos work well for new businesses looking to build their brand recognition. Other businesses which should use these logos include those with unique or catchy names. These logos are a great first time logo since it’s easy to replicate across all marketing materials.

Lettermark Logo

ABC, GE, HBO, CNN, and NASA are only some of the many famous lettermarks (also known as monogram logos). This logo works best for businesses with lengthy, multi-word names. It turns a mouthful into a short and memorable acronym. Here are a few tips to getting this logo type right:
Have a designer help you with the font. Often, you’ll design your own font (or at least edit an existing font) to create a unique logo that ties in with your brand message.
If you’re a new, relatively unknown brand, consider writing out your full business name below the logo at first.
Ensure that the font you choose is legible when small as well!

Combination Logo

Combination logos are, as the name suggests, a combination between font based logos and icon based logos. Typically, they feature an icon logo above or beside a font logo as in the Pringles logo above. Other examples include Lacoste, Adobe, and Audi. This is one of the most versatile logo types. It combines a recognizable symbol with your brand name to create a logo that’s both memorable and makes your brand name known. These types of logos are easier to trademark than other logos, and are great for transitioning from a font based logo to a logo symbol.

A popular type of combination logo is the descriptive logo. Descriptive logos are just a logo which describes what the business does. In the case of the paint logo above, it does so by cleverly turning the P in paint to a paint roller.

Abstract Logo

Abstract logos are a great example of icon or symbol logos. They allow you to have a completely unique logo for your business, which can convey a specific meaning. Unfortunately, they’re difficult to get right. You need a professional designer who understands how color and shape conveys ideas or emotions. Consider professional business logo designs to get the most out of this logo type.

Abstract logos generally combine text with an icon. This is a classic design style which has been modernized and as such has seen a resurgence in popularity. Famous abstract logos include: Adidas, BP, Chase, Atari, etc. These logos work particularly well in the retail industry, the sports industry, and with car brands.

The image you choose will stick with the brand during its lifetime, so you need to pick an image based on both its association with your brand and its broader implications. Remember, this logo type is great for established brands!
Abstract logos are some of the most effective logos at communicating a brand’s benefits and identity.

They are more memorable and appealing to customers than other logos as well, but they aren’t without their challenges. An abstract based logo alone may be difficult to use effectively by an unheard of brand. This means that it’s a good idea to stick strictly with a combination logo (symbol and text) until you’ve got an established brand. The exception to this rule is if you’re an international company and the name/font based logo won’t translate to other languages.

Character Logo

Mascot logos are a great choice if you’re looking for a character to represent your brand. They do well with brands who’s target audience are families and children. They have a few unique benefits and drawbacks, which may help you to know when to choose a mascot and when to avoid it:
‣Mascots are great for encouraging customer interaction.
‣These logo types do exceptionally well on social media.
‣But, they don’t look good when small (such as on a business card).
‣They may not be appropriate on all marketing materials, so you may want to consider also using a font based logo.

Key Takeaways on Logo Types:

Your brand’s logo plays a large part in what customers will remember your brand as. This means that it’s crucial to pick the right type of logo for your brand. As we’ve already mentioned, some logos work best in specific industries and other logo types may only work for established brands. It’s always best to consult with a professional logo designer to ensure your logo will be as effective as possible.

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Hey, I'm Callum. Here at Creato we re determined to produce creative . My only questions is, will it be yours?

About callum

Callum is the founder of Creato, a Sydney based design agency that specialises in creating holistic brands for Aussie businesses.

With a talent for crafting memorable and effective branding solutions, Callum has built Creato into a respected and successful agency. His work has been featured in various publications, including The Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, and Entrepreneur.

If you re interested in working with Callum and Creato to bring your brand to the next level, don t hesitate to get in touch!

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