How to Fix Website Security Certificate Error

Written By:Callum
Last Updated: March 15, 2024
Reading Time: 7 minutes

Website security certificates, primarily SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and TLS (Transport Layer Security) are digital credentials that provide encryption and authentication for data transferred between a user’s browser and a website’s server. They play a pivotal role in online security, especially for e-commerce sites, login pages, and any platform handling sensitive user data. By encrypting this data, these certificates ensure that any information exchanged remains private and secure from potential cyber threats.

As the founder of a web design agency in Sydney, it is my responsibility to provide you information about website security certificate errors, the common problems associated with them, and how to fix these issues. So, WIthout wasting time, let’s get started.

Website security certificates error

Common Problems with Website Security Certificates

Issues with security certificates can significantly impact a website’s reputation and user experience. Common problems include:

Expired Certificates: Often overlooked, an expired certificate can lead to warnings being displayed to users, suggesting that the website may not be secure.

Domain Name Mismatches: This occurs when the certificate does not accurately reflect the website’s domain name, leading to potential security warnings.

Untrusted Certificate Authorities (CAs): If a certificate is issued by an authority not recognised by the browser, it will be flagged as untrusted.

Configuration Errors: Incorrectly configured certificates can cause browsers to show an error, even if the certificate is valid.

Common Problems with Website Security Certificates

Causes of These Security Certificate Errors

Certificate errors primarily stem from negligence in managing the certificate lifecycle, such as forgetting to renew the certificate, errors in the installation process, or using certificates from non-reputable sources. Technical misconfigurations and not adhering to updated security protocols can also trigger these errors.

Types of Website Security Certificates Errors

Types of Website Security Certificates Errors

  1. Certificate Not Trusted: When browsers do not recognise the CA that issued the certificate.
  2. Certificate Revoked: Occurs when a CA has revoked a website’s certificate due to security concerns.
  3. Protocol Errors: Arise from outdated encryption protocols or cipher suites that are no longer considered secure.

How to Manage and Fix Website Security Certificate Errors

How to Manage and Fix Website Security Certificate Errors

Strategic Monitoring and Proactive Renewal

  • Implement advanced certificate monitoring tools that provide real-time alerts and performance insights.
  • Schedule renewals well in advance to avoid last-minute complications and potential website downtime.

Meticulous Certificate Installation and Configuration

  • Use a comprehensive checklist specific to your server type to ensure correct certificate installation and configuration.
  • Configure your website to enforce HTTPS, redirecting all HTTP traffic to secure connections.
  • Conduct regular audits to confirm optimal configuration and the use of the latest security features.

Selection of Reputable Certificate Authorities (CAs)

  • Choose Certificate Authorities recognised for their robust security practices and universal browser trust.
  • Research and select CAs that offer strong customer support and are proactive in adopting the latest security standards.

Comprehensive Configuration Review and Compliance

  • Regularly perform security scans to identify vulnerabilities, focusing on encryption strength and protocol security.
  • Ensure adherence to the latest security protocols and compliance standards, updating configurations as necessary.

Education and Continuous Improvement

  • Invest in ongoing education for your team on the latest web security trends and certificate management practices.
  • Cultivate a culture that prioritises security and encourages regular updates to practices and protocols.

Employ Automated Certificate Management Systems (ACMS)

  • Utilise automated certificate management solutions to handle the issuance, renewal, and revocation of certificates seamlessly.
  • These systems can significantly reduce human error and streamline the management process.

Leverage Multi-Domain and Wildcard Certificates

  • Consider using multi-domain or wildcard certificates if managing multiple subdomains or services, simplifying administration.
  • Ensure these certificates are correctly configured to cover all necessary domains and subdomains without overlap or gaps.

Implement HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)

  • Activate HSTS to instruct browsers to automatically use HTTPS connections, enhancing security and user trust.
  • This measure prevents downgrade attacks and cookie hijacking by enforcing secure connections.

Monitor and Adapt to Industry Trends

  • Stay informed about emerging cybersecurity threats and evolving industry standards to preemptively adjust your security measures.
  • Adapt your certificate management and website security practices based on these trends to maintain a strong security posture.

Regular External Audits and Penetration Testing

  • Engage with external security professionals to conduct audits and penetration testing on your web infrastructure.
  • These assessments can uncover hidden vulnerabilities and provide insights into improving your security strategy.

How to Prevent These Errors?

Preventative measures include using automated tools for certificate renewal alerts, employing services that automate the renewal process, and conducting regular security audits to identify and rectify potential vulnerabilities before they lead to certificate errors.

Implications of Not Addressing Security Certificate Errors Promptly

Failing to address these errors can lead to a loss of user trust, decreased website traffic, and potentially lower search engine rankings. For e-commerce sites, this can directly impact sales and revenue. Moreover, it exposes users to increased risk of data breaches and cyber-attacks.

Tips for Website Visitors on Safely Navigating Sites with Certificate Errors

When encountering security certificate errors, it’s crucial for website visitors to remain vigilant to safeguard their personal information. Here are some tips:

  • Heed Browser Warnings: Browser alerts about certificate errors are there for a reason. Take them seriously and avoid proceeding to the site unless you’re certain of its safety.
  • Verify the Website’s Authenticity: If you must proceed, verify the website’s authenticity by checking for contact information and cross-referencing with known details.
  • Use Secure Connections: Ensure the URL begins with “https://” and look for the padlock icon in your browser’s address bar.
  • Avoid Sharing Personal Information: If you’re unsure about the website’s security, avoid entering personal or financial information.
  • Update Your Browser: Regularly updating your browser ensures you have the latest security features and protections.

Future Trends in Website Security and the Importance of Staying Updated with Security Certificates

Future Trends in Website Security and the Importance of Staying Updated with Security Certificates

The landscape of website security is rapidly evolving, driven by technological advancements and emerging threats. Here are key trends to watch:

Enhanced Encryption Technologies: As cyber threats become more sophisticated, expect advancements in encryption technologies to ensure data remains secure.

Quantum Computing: The advent of quantum computing presents both challenges and opportunities for website security, potentially rendering current encryption methods obsolete.

Increased Use of Automated Security Solutions: Automation in monitoring and renewing security certificates will become more prevalent, reducing human error.

Greater Emphasis on Mobile Security: With the increasing use of mobile devices, securing mobile connections will become even more critical.

Regulatory Changes: Expect tighter regulations around data protection and privacy, influencing how websites manage security certificates.


1. How do I know if my website’s security certificate needs renewal?

Most hosting platforms and certificate authorities offer dashboards or notification systems to alert you of impending expirations. Regularly check these platforms or employ third-party monitoring tools.

2. Can SSL/TLS certificates affect my website’s SEO?

Yes, search engines like Google give preference to websites with HTTPS, considering them more secure, which can positively impact your site’s search rankings.

3. What is the difference between SSL and TLS?

TLS is the successor to SSL. While both are protocols used for securing data transfers online, TLS is more secure and efficient due to improvements in encryption and authentication methods.

4. Why do I keep getting a certificate errors on all websites?

If you’re encountering certificate errors across all websites, it could be due to several reasons. Your computer’s date and time might be incorrect, leading to mismatches with the certificate’s validity period. Alternatively, there may be an issue with your browser or a security software on your device that’s incorrectly flagging these sites. Ensuring your system’s date and time are correct and updating your browser and security software can help resolve these errors.

5. How do I fix my expired website security certificate?

To fix an expired website security certificate, you’ll need to renew the certificate through your certificate authority (CA). This process typically involves generating a new certificate signing request (CSR) on your server, submitting it to your CA, and then installing the new certificate once issued. Ensure to follow the renewal process well before your certificate’s expiry date to avoid downtime.

6. Can I go to a site even if I get a certificate error?

While browsers allow you to proceed to a site after a certificate error, it’s not recommended unless you’re certain of the site’s legitimacy. Certificate errors indicate a potential security risk, and proceeding could expose you to threats like data interception. If you must access the site, verify its authenticity and proceed with caution.

7. Why is my website not secure but the certificate is valid?

our website might appear “not secure” even with a valid certificate if there are mixed content issues (a mix of secure HTTPS and insecure HTTP content) or if the certificate is not properly installed or configured. Ensure that all website resources are loaded over HTTPS and that your certificate is correctly implemented on your server.

8. How do I continue a website with certificate error in Chrome?

To proceed to a website with a certificate error in Chrome, click on the “Advanced” option on the warning page, and then select “Proceed to [website]” (not recommended). Keep in mind that this bypasses Chrome’s security warning and could put your data at risk.

9. What is the risk of an expired certificate?

An expired certificate poses several risks. It can lead to a loss of trust from visitors, as browsers will warn them the site is not secure, potentially driving them away. It also exposes the site and its users to increased risk of man-in-the-middle attacks, where attackers could intercept or tamper with data.

10. How do I unblock a certificate error?

To unblock a certificate error, you can manually add an exception for the certificate in your browser settings. This involves accessing the advanced settings or security section of your browser and locating the option to manage certificates or security exceptions. However, this should only be done if you’re sure of the website’s safety, as it can compromise your security.


For businesses in the web design industry, ensuring websites are secure and trusted by users is paramount. Addressing security certificate errors is not just a technical necessity; it’s integral to maintaining online integrity and trust. By understanding the intricacies of these errors and implementing robust management and prevention strategies, you can safeguard your online presence against potential threats, ensuring a secure, reliable experience for all users.

For expert assistance with your website’s security, reach out to our experts at Creato today.

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About callum

Callum is the founder of Creato, a Sydney based design agency that specialises in creating holistic brands for Aussie businesses.

With a talent for crafting memorable and effective branding solutions, Callum has built Creato into a respected and successful agency. His work has been featured in various publications, including The Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, and Entrepreneur.

If you re interested in working with Callum and Creato to bring your brand to the next level, don t hesitate to get in touch!

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