How to Make a Website from Scratch in 2024?

Written By:Callum
Last Updated: March 15, 2024
Reading Time: < 1

If your business does not have online visibility in 2024, will it be able to thrive in the market? Businesses across all genres and sizes are moving to design a website that would bring growth, good revenue and online visibility.

It’s 2024, and if you want a website for your business, it will be ready in the snap of your fingers. Thanks to the availability of different platforms like WordPress, Shopify and Elementor, designing a website is no big challenge today.

But still, if you don’t want to get into the complexity of building a website or you don’t have time for it (which 17% of business owners in Australia don’t have) the website design for multiple businesses in Australia, our experts at Creato have forged a positive reputation in the online market. We can help you build a website of every size and across all domains. So, without further ado, let’s dive in and demystify the process of making your website from scratch, Aussie style!

Understanding the Australian Market

Understanding the Australian Market

When creating a website for your business in Australia, it’s vital to grasp the unique aspects of the local market. From cultural nuances to consumer behavior, every detail plays a role in how the audience will perceive your website.

Domain Names and Hosting - The Starting Blocks

Domain Names and Hosting

If the foundation of your website design still needs to be laid, how would the structure be built? Thus, as a leading website design agency in Sydney our designers focus on the basics like choosing the right hosting service, selecting a domain name and registering. After that, the CPanel and initial configurations are made. Once these are done, move towards choosing which one is the best platform and how to install it.

One of the significant things to consider at this point is to choose the right hosting provider. Your website’s presence and visibility depend significantly on it. Therefore, while choosing the hosting provider, a lot of factors are considered, such as reliability, speed and customer support availability in case anything goes down.

Think of your domain name as your virtual address, something like ‘’ It’s how your target audience will find your (business) online. Or we can say it’s one of those main ways that represents your website to the internet. For hosting, there are plenty of local Aussie options like VentraIP, Cloudways, SiteGround, Panthur, or Crucial (claims to get the spark online) offering reliable services to keep your site up and running.

Planning Your Website

Planning Your Website

Before you start putting together your site, have a yarn about what you want it to do. Are you selling products, offering services, or sharing your skills? Understanding your website’s purpose and your target audience is crucial. It’s like knowing the lay of the land before you set up camp.

Designing Your Website

Designing Your Website

Once the designers have laid down the foundation of website design, adhering to the principles of design, move towards the advanced level. While designing the website, create a strong skeleton that aligns with your brand identity. Thus, applying core web design principles, focus on preparing a website layout that would be equally functional across all platforms and be user-friendly with its ease of navigation.

Depending on your requirements, designers integrate all the appropriate themes and elements that can help you in branding. Once the layout is prepared across the theme then focus on adding content concerning images and texts. The texts and images are arranged next to each other in a proper manner according to your brand colour.

By including all these elements in your website design, Also test for cross-platform customisation. The cross-platform customisations ensure your website is functional across all devices, from computer screens to mobile.

Colours, Layouts, and Australian Design Trends

Colours, Layouts, and Australian Design Trends

Incorporate a colour scheme and layout that reflects your brand’s personality. If you’re all about the Aussie beach lifestyle, use vibrant and sunny colours. Stick to clean lines and a monochrome palette for a more professional look. Stay updated with local design trends to keep your site looking fresh.

Crafting Compelling Content

Crafting Compelling Content

Content is king, as they say. Write engaging, original content that speaks to your target audience about your product or services. Share your behind-the-scenes (work), stories, blogs on your niche (great for sharing your expertise), tips, or insights that resonate with your local community.

Mobile Responsiveness is a Must

Mobile Responsiveness

Emphasizing responsive web design standards, With up to 92.2% of Aussies browsing on their mobiles daily, your site needs to be as good on a smartphone as on a desktop. We test your site on different devices to make sure there’s a lower bounce & conversion rates.

Advanced Features and Customisation

Advanced Features and Customisation 

Since the website is a huge part of your online identity, you may have some additional requirements like a safe payment gateway or even integrating social media plugins. Each of these is extremely important for your business and establishes credibility. Thus, we help you customise your website using advanced features.

If you’re an eCommerce business, our designers will design your eCommerce website and set up the online store. This may include the integration of a payment gateway, arranging product layout, distinguishing the products and more. Once your online store is set up, also integrate the social media plugins to redirect your customers to your social media accounts. And also includes a blog forum on the website to ensure interactive content scope.

Apart from these, we’re here for you if you have any additional coding and personalisation requirements.

Optimisation and Analytics

Optimisation and Analytics 

Optimisation of the website also includes measuring the analytics to get a basic idea of how the website is performing. Our expert web designers are also familiar with SEO and integrate it across the design to improve your online visibility by increasing your position in SERP.

We optimise the performance of your website by increasing the page load speed, optimising the size of images and reducing the bounce rate. To measure these, we always integrate analytics tools on the website to keep track of how it is performing.

Testing Your Website

Testing Your Website

Before launching, you’ve got to test your site. Just like you wouldn’t hit the surf without checking the waves, don’t launch your site without a thorough check.

  • Test on different browsers and devices to ensure everything works seamlessly.
  • Look for any snags in navigation.
  • Create Sitemap
  • Review copy and media.
  • Test the UX.
  • Check if product descriptions are easy to read on different devices, if images are slow-loading, or if there are broken links.
  • Check your Robots.txt file and conversion paths.
  • Check for accessibility.

Launching – Time to Go Live!

Launching Your Website

Once you’re confident everything is tickety-boo, it’s time to launch. Announce your new site on social media, send out an email blast, or even host a virtual launch party. Encourage feedback from users to make improvements. Remember, a website launch isn’t just a one-off event; it’s the start of your ongoing digital journey.

What Things to Keep in Mind After Launching the Website?

  • Keeping Your Site Up to Scratch – Just like a well-oiled machine, your website needs regular maintenance. Keep your content updated (after checking its performance), update your products or services, and regularly post new blog entries to keep your audience engaged. Also, stay on top of software updates and security patches to protect your site from online nasties.
  • Stay Relevant and Responsive – The digital world moves fast, and so should your website. Regularly review your site’s performance through tools like Google Analytics, Pingdom, Uptrends, and Google Light House, check for new SEO trends (look for any change in Google’s algorithm) & updates, and adapt to new digital behaviours, like changes in how Aussies shop or find information online.
  • Staying Ahead in the Digital Space – Keep an eye on emerging technologies and trends in web design. Incorporating these into your website can give you an edge in the digital marketplace.
  • Embracing Emerging Technologies – From AI to VR, new technologies offer exciting possibilities for web development. Be open to integrating these innovations to enhance your website’s functionality and appeal.


And there you have it, mates! Understanding what is website design and building a website from scratch in 2024 might seem daunting at first, but with the right tools, a bit of Aussie know-how, and the expertise of professionals like Creato to monitor it all, it’s as achievable as snagging a good spot for a BBQ at Bondi. What sets us apart, according to our clients, isn’t just our expertise. It’s the personal touch. 

Take it from their experiences with Josh Pyatt (Real Estate Coach): He says “Callum’s quick response to the initial inquiry and the way he eases the overwhelming world of website and logo design for newcomers is just the beginning. He’s been the go-to guy from the get-go, always on the ball and ready to tackle any question or concern I have efficiently. We have been working together for two years, and even up until this date, he has not dropped the ball regarding his high service level. I would 100% recommend Creato for website design, website maintenance, and graphic design.”

Remember, your website is your online presence – a digital reflection of your unique story and business. So, take the plunge and start building your dream website today! And if it still seems like a daunting task, or you want to get away with your stagnant website and want a dynamic presence just like Josh Pyatt, contact us to learn more!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I move from one website builder to another?

Yes, you can migrate your website from one builder to another. But, the process may vary depending on the platforms involved.

2. How long will it take to build a website?

The time to build a website varies based on factors. These include complexity, features, and familiarity with the builder. It can range from a few hours for a simple site to several weeks for a more elaborate project.

3. What is a CMS?

A CMS, or Content Management System, is a software application. It allows you to create, manage, and modify your website’s digital content. It also eliminates the need for coding skills.

4. Do businesses really need a website?

Yes, a website is essential for businesses in today’s digital age. It helps establish an online presence and reach a wider audience. It also showcases a company’s products or services.

5. How do I buy a domain name?

You can buy a domain name through domain registrars or web hosting providers. Search for your desired domain. Then, select an available option. Complete the purchase process.

6. Should I choose a .com or domain name?

The choice between a “.com” and “” domain depends on your target audience and business location. “.com” is global. “” signifies an Australian presence. It is ideal for businesses targeting the Australian market.

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Hey, I'm Callum. Here at Creato we re determined to produce creative Web Design. My only questions is, will it be yours?

About callum

Callum is the founder of Creato, a Sydney based design agency that specialises in creating holistic brands for Aussie businesses.

With a talent for crafting memorable and effective branding solutions, Callum has built Creato into a respected and successful agency. His work has been featured in various publications, including The Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, and Entrepreneur.

If you re interested in working with Callum and Creato to bring your brand to the next level, don t hesitate to get in touch!