How to Use WordPress to Edit a Website: An Easy Guide in 2024

Written By:Callum
Last Updated: March 13, 2024
Reading Time: < 1

Today, we’re diving into the fantastic world of WordPress. Imagine WordPress as a big, friendly toolbox that lets you build and change your website without needing to be a computer genius. It’s super popular all around the globe for a good reason: it’s easy to use but powerful enough to handle all sorts of websites. Let’s break down how you can use WordPress to make your website sparkle, using simple words and clear steps.

If you’re keen on giving your website custom web design and need professional help to craft your customised WordPress site, then look no further. At Creato, Our web design Sydney team stands ready to assist you in bringing your vision to life with expert precision and creativity!

Getting Started with WordPress

Accessing the WordPress Dashboard

Think of the WordPress dashboard like the control panel of a spaceship. It’s where you press all the buttons and see all the dials that control your website.

How to Get There

WordPress Login

  • Type your website’s address in the browser, then add /wp-admin at the end. It looks something like this:
  • A page will pop up asking for your username and password. Fill those in and click the button that says “Log In.”

What You’ll See

WordPress Dashboard

Once you’re in, you’ll see a bunch of options on the left side. This is your menu for doing everything from writing new posts to changing how your site looks.

Understanding the Dashboard

The dashboard can look a bit busy, but don’t worry. Each part has its own job.

Key Parts Explained

  • Posts: This is where your blog posts live. You can write new ones or change old ones here.
  • Pages: These are like posts but for your static content, like your “About Us” page.
  • Media: This is your library of pictures, videos, and documents.
  • Comments: Here, you can see and reply to what people are saying on your posts.
  • Appearance: Change your website’s outfit here with themes and tweaks.
  • Plugins: These are like apps for your website, adding new features.
  • Users: Here, you can manage who can access your website’s backend.
  • Tools: This section has tools for importing and exporting content.
  • Settings: This is where you tweak your website’s settings, like how it looks and works.

Navigating Tips

If you’re looking for something, the menu on the left is your best friend. Just click around until you find what you need.

The “Screen Options” tab at the top can hide or show different parts of the dashboard, making it less overwhelming.

Every page has a “Help” option at the top. Don’t hesitate to use it if you’re stuck.

Editing Your Website with WordPress

Creating and Editing Posts

How to Create a New Post

  • Click on “Posts” then “Add New” on the left menu.
  • You’ll see a big area where you can write your post and add pictures or videos.
  • Once you’re happy, press the “Publish” button to make it live on your website.

Writing Tips:

  • Keep your writing friendly and easy to read.
  • Use headings to organise your post, making it easier for readers to follow.
  • Pictures make everything more fun, so add a few to spice up your post.

Editing an Existing Post

  • Go to “Posts” then “All Posts.” Find the one you want to change and click “Edit.”
  • Make your changes and don’t forget to save by clicking “Update.”
  • Managing Pages

Posts vs. Pages

Posts are for things that change, like news articles or blog entries. Pages are for things that stay the same, like your contact information.

How to Add a New Page

  • Click “Pages” then “Add New.” It works a lot like adding a new post.
  • Write what you need on the page, add any photos, and hit “Publish” to make it part of your website.

Editing an Existing Page

  • Find the page under “Pages > All Pages,” click it, and start editing.
  • Change whatever you need and click “Update” to save.
  • Customising Your Site’s Appearance (Choosing the right look for your website involves understanding the differences between a WordPress theme vs template.)
  • Themes: Themes are like different outfits for your website. Go to “Appearance > Themes” to try on a new look. Applying core website design principles can guide you in selecting the best theme for your site.
  • Menus: Menus are how people navigate your site. Create and change them in “Appearance > Menus.”
  • Widgets: Widgets add cool features to your website, like a calendar or a search bar. Add them under “Appearance > Widgets.”

Enhancing Your Website

Using Plugins

  • Plugins are like little helpers that add new things your website can do.

Finding and Adding Plugins

  • Go to “Plugins > Add New” and browse through the options.
  • Find one that does what you need, install it, and activate it.
  • Keeping Your Website Up-to-Date and understanding your website maintenance cost is also crucial.

Why Updates Matter

  • Updates keep your website safe and running smoothly. They’re like oil changes for your car.

How to Update

  • WordPress will tell you when updates are available. Just go to the dashboard, and you’ll see notices for updates. Follow the instructions to install them.

Helpful Tips for WordPress Beginners

  • Take it slow and explore: WordPress is huge, and there’s a lot to learn.
  • Make backups: Before you make big changes, it’s a good idea to save a copy of your site just in case.
  • Join the community: There are tons of forums and groups full of friendly WordPress users who love to help out.

To sum up, starting with WordPress might look a bit tricky, but with this guide, you’ve got all you need to get your website looking just how you want it. We’ve gone through everything from getting into your dashboard to putting up your first post, and making your site look pretty. Remember, working with WordPress is all about trying new things and getting better as you go. So, go ahead and play around with it, learn lots, and have fun making your website awesome. Here’s to making great things happen with WordPress – it’s going to be a fantastic adventure!


1. How do I start using WordPress?

Start by going to your website and adding “/wp-admin” at the end of the URL. After logging in with your username and password, you will be directed to the dashboard, offering a plethora of options to manage your site, ideal for anyone looking into WordPress web design.

2. Can I make a website without knowing how to code?

Yes, absolutely! You can create wordpress website without coding. WordPress is designed for everyone, including people who don’t know how to code. You can add posts, pages, and even change how your site looks without writing any code.

3. What’s the difference between a post and a page on WordPress?

Posts are for things that update regularly, like news stories or blog entries. Pages are for content that doesn’t change much, like your contact info or about page.

4. How do I add pictures to my posts or pages?

When you’re writing a post or page, you’ll see an option to add media. Click on that, and you can upload pictures from your computer to make your content more fun and engaging.

5. How can I change the look of my website?

You can change your website’s look by choosing a new theme. Go to “Appearance > Themes” in your dashboard, and you can pick a new outfit for your site. There are lots of free themes to choose from.

6. What are plugins, and why should I use them?

Plugins are like little apps for your website that add new features and do cool things. For example, some plugins help you get found on Google, while others add contact forms or photo galleries. You can find and add plugins by going to “Plugins > Add New” in your dashboard.

7. How often should I update my WordPress site?

You should update your WordPress, themes, and plugins whenever you see a notice in your dashboard that updates are available. These updates help keep your site safe and working smoothly.

8. What should I do if I get stuck or have questions?

If you’re stuck, check out the “Help” option at the top of your dashboard pages. Also, there’s a huge community of WordPress users online in forums and groups who love to help out. Don’t be shy to ask for advice!

9. How do I keep my WordPress site safe?

Keep your WordPress, themes, and plugins up to date to protect your site from hackers. Also, use a strong password and consider adding a security plugin for extra protection. and also check your website security certificate.

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Hey, I'm Callum. Here at Creato we re determined to produce creative Web Design. My only questions is, will it be yours?

About callum

Callum is the founder of Creato, a Sydney based design agency that specialises in creating holistic brands for Aussie businesses.

With a talent for crafting memorable and effective branding solutions, Callum has built Creato into a respected and successful agency. His work has been featured in various publications, including The Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, and Entrepreneur.

If you re interested in working with Callum and Creato to bring your brand to the next level, don t hesitate to get in touch!