Chris Giovenco engaged Creato to launch Alpha Financial, a new entrant in the competitive mortgage brokerage market. Essential to the brand was conveying professionalism and approachability, aiming to attract families in pursuit of financial freedom.


As a new business, Alpha Financial faced the challenge of establishing trust and credibility among potential clients, competing against well-known lenders. The company needed a solid brand identity, a compelling online presence, and a strategy to stand out in a densely populated market.


Creato developed a detailed branding and digital strategy for Alpha Financial, including a modern logo, an intuitive website, and engaging graphic designs that communicated the company’s dedication to offering personalised financial solutions. This strategic branding and web design effort successfully positioned Alpha Financial as a reliable financial guide in the mortgage sector.

The Creato 
Process — Design 


Identify Needs

Conducted collaborative briefings with Chris Giovenco

Gained insights into Alpha Financial’s objectives

Defined the branding and online strategy scope


Research Insights

Explored the mortgage lending market extensively

Identified family-centric service gaps and trends

Analysed competitor positioning and strategies


Design Blueprint

Conceived a distinctive logo and brand identity

Tailored web design and content for family audiences

Applied graphic design consistently across mediums


Develop Prototype

Assembled a website prototype for Alpha Financial

Conducted user group testing for design feedback

Refined brand elements based on evaluations


Evaluate & Refine

Maintained ongoing dialogue with Alpha Financial

Implemented design enhancements iteratively

Finalised the web design and development for deployment


Finalise Solution

Unveiled a unified brand and digital platform

Guaranteed cross-material branding cohesion

Prepared for the brand launch


Deliver & Support

Delivered the comprehensive branding package

Provided continuous website support and updates

Monitored and analysed digital engagement metrics

Stakeholder Collaboration

Comprehensive logo and web design briefs were integral to understanding Alpha Financial’s vision. Creato and Alpha Financial held in-depth discussions to align on the brand’s direction and market approach.

Competitive Market Analysis

A thorough market analysis revealed opportunities for Alpha Financial to differentiate itself, particularly with custom mortgage solutions for families, identifying unique avenues to distinguish Alpha in the competitive lending landscape.

Strategic Outcomes

Targeted Professional Branding:
Alpha Financial’s branding was strategically developed to resonate with families, fostering a sense of trust and authority.

Effective Web Design:
The company’s website acts as an inviting portal for clients, simplifying navigation and providing valuable insights to support family financial planning.

Market Differentiation:
Alpha Financial set itself apart by emphasising financial independence and bespoke services, catering specifically to family needs.

Client Engagement Strategy:
The brand’s digital footprint was enhanced with targeted content marketing, aiming to connect with families seeking mortgage advice.

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